Thursday, January 9, 2025

अपने मौत की तारीख कैसे जाने ?

 दोस्तो आज आपलोगो कुछ खाश पढ़ने वाला है जो कि आप तक आपलोगो ने कभी भी ये नही सोचा होगा कि कोई website आपको आपके मोत की तित्ति बता सकते है यानी कि मौत की घड़ी आप कब मरेंगे ओर कोंन सा कारण से मरेंगे । ये सब बताने वाला website Google पर आया है।जो कि दावा करता है।कि सबके मोत का तित्ति कब है और कहा है।

Know your date of death! How to apply your date of death?

सब बताने वाले कि दावा करते है।तो दोस्तो की ये website जो बताएगा सब सही बताएगा तो दोस्तो मोत की तित्ति जो website बताता है वो सही बताता है या गलत चलो जानते है।दोस्तो अगर आप भी अपने मोत की तित्ति को पता करना चाहते है तो हमारे पोस्ट के अंत तक बने रहे 

मरने से पहले क्या दिखाई देता है?

तभी आप अपने मोत की तित्ति को पता कर पाएंगे जब ये पोस्ट को आप पूरा पढेंगे तो तो दोस्तो चलो अब ज्यादा time ना लेते हुए पोस्ट को शुरू करते है।और जानते है कि कोंन कब मरेगा ओर क्यों मरेगा ओर कोंन सा कारण से मरेगा 

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Www DeathClock Org App Download Review 

Table of Contents   

Www DeathClock Org App Download Review 

Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download

Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download कैसे काम करता है

Read more - नई स्कीम सरकार सभी को दे रहे हैं 15 - 15 लाख रूपये जानिए आपको कैसे मिलेगा

How To Use Www Death Clock Org App Download

Is Death Clock Accurate?

Www.Death-Clock.Org App : How To Download Death Clock App?

Sim card full information in hindi

Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download

यही वो वेबसाइट हैं. जो आपको दावा करती है की ” When Am I Going To Die?” अभी तक सभी लोग जीना और प्यार या खाने पिने की बात करते हैं. लेकिन वो कभी अपने मरने की बात नही सोचते हैं. और नहीं करना पसंद करते हैं. लेकिन Www.Death-Clock.Org App द्वारा करता है की आप यहाँ से अपने मृत्यु की तारीख और कारण भी पता कर सकते हैं.

कोरोना वायरस के घरेलू इलाज

कुछ और सोचने और जानने से पहले निचे वाली Paragraph को ध्यान से पढ़िए क्योकि, वो बात है जो वेबसाइट के Front Page दर्शाता है.

कोरोना वायरस से बचने का घरेलू इलाज


“ क्या आपने कभी अपने आप से पूछा है कि? मैं कब मरूंगा? ’, हमारी उन्नत जीवन प्रत्याशा कैलकुलेटर आपके लिए आपकी मृत्यु की तारीख का सटीक रूप से अनुमान लगाएगा * जहाँ आप रहते हैं, आप कितना धूम्रपान करते हैं और अपनी जीवनशैली को अपनी मौत की घड़ी की उलटी गिनती दिखाने के लिए.

                        अपना हमशक्ल कैसे ढूंढे

अपनी मृत्यु की तारीख की भविष्यवाणी करने के लिए, बस अपनी जन्मतिथि, लिंग, धूम्रपान की आदतों, अपने बीएमआई और जिस देश में आप रहते हैं, इनपुट करें. यदि आप नहीं जानते कि आपका BMI केवल बीएमआई कैलकुलेटर फॉर्म का उपयोग करता है.“

अपने मृत्यु को कैसे रोक सकते है

दोस्तों BMI का Full Form ” Body Mass Index” होता हैं.  जिसे थोड़ा थोड़ा कुछ आपको Clear हो रहा होगा की ये Www.Death-Clock.Org वेबसाइट या Death Clock काम कैसे कर रही होगी.  Subupdate.Com App Whatsapp download & Software App Reviews

            अकाल मृत्यु से कैसे बचें

Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download कैसे काम करता है

ये एक साधारण दो – तिन Page वाली वेबसाइट है. लेकिन इसका काम बहुत बड़ा है. यहाँ से आप Death Clock और BMI Calculator को आसानी से इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं.

Read more :- अब आपके आंखे बतायेंगे आपके मृत्यु

Www.Death-Clock.Org App या वेबसाइट Date Of Birth, Gender, Smoking Habits, Your BMI और  जिस Country में आप रहते उसके आधार पर आपको Death Clock दिखती हैं.

Read more - सावधान हो जाएं क्योंकि आपका आवाज कॉपी हो सकता है

जैसा कि आपका BMI एक स्वस्थ जीवन शैली का एक अच्छा संकेत है. यह आपकी भविष्यवाणी पर सबसे बड़ा प्रभाव डालता है. यह स्वस्थ रहने के लिए अनुकूल होने में कभी देर नहीं करता है, एक आहार का सेवन जो आपके शारीरिक अंश को संतुलित करता है, वजन घटाने की कुंजी है..

इस पंक्ति का तात्पर्य है की आपकी BMI (Body Mass Index)  की मदद से आप अपने स्वास्थ का पता लगा सकते हैं. और शारीरिक अंश को Balance करता हैं. और वजह कम करने में मदद करता हैं.

Read more - AI आपके नौकरी को छीन सकते हैं जानिए कैसे

How To Use Www Death Clock Org App Download

इसको इस्तेमाल करने की प्रिकिया निचे बताया गया हैं. इमेज की माध्यम से आप इस Death Clock वाली वेबसाइट को Check कर सकते है.


  • Date Of Birth* (M/D/Y)

  • Month Of Birth

  • Day Of Birth

  • Year Of Birth

  • Sex*

  • Do You Smoke?

  • BMI*

  • Outlook

  • Alcohol Consumption

  • Country*

Www Death-Clock Org App में आपको 10 Option को Fill करके Submit करना है. उसके बाद आप आपको आपके Death Clock Result देखने को मिल जायेगा.

साथ में Bargraph में सभी death prediction की जानकारी अपडेट होते रहते हैं.

Is Death Clock Accurate?

नही, ये पूर्ण रूप से आपके मरने या किसी के मरने का Accurate भविष्यवाणी नही दे सकतीं है. इसको सिर्फ Entertainment Purpose के लिए बनया गया हैं.

” Www.DeathClock.Org की Official वेबसाइट ये भी दावा करता है की *Should Be Used For Fun Only, This Calculator Is Unlikely To Predict Your Actual Date Of Death.”

Www.Death-Clock.Org App : How To Download Death Clock App?

इस App को Download करने के लिए आपको निचे के Steps को पढना होगा. ताकि Step- By-Step जानकारी दिया गया हैं.

सबसे पहले गूगल में “Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download” सर्च करें.

उसके बाद, पहली वेबसाइट आएगा उसपर क्लिक करे.

और वहां से आप “My Death Date And Cause ” की जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं.

ओर अगर आप सोचते है कि आप हमारे website से आप Www.Death-Clock.Org इस website पर जाना चाहते है तो आप नीचे में जो लिंक देख रहे है उस पर click करे।और आप Www.Death-Clock.Org पर चले जाएं 

तो दोस्तो ये था सिर्फ और सिर्फ मस्ती मनोरंजन के लिए Www.Death-Clock.Org ये website बता रहा था इसको आप बुरा मत माने हमने इसलिए ये पोस्ट को लिखा था क्योंकि ये Www.Death-Clock.Org website के बारे में You Tube ओर Google पर बहुत ज्यादा search किया जा रहा था।

ओर लोग फालतू के टेंसन अपने दिमाग पर ले रहे थे मेरा पोस्ट लिखने का मकसद यही था कि लोगो का महत्वपूर्ण समय को बचाना ओर फालतू चीजे मत search किया करो कही पर अपना टाइम को मत बर्वाद करो ओर जो चीज सच नही हो सकता है उसको कभी भी मत search किया करो और एक बात में बता देता हूं।

Friends, today you are going to read something special, which till you have never thought that any website can tell you the date of your death, that is, when will you die at the time of death and for what reason will you die. The website telling all this has come on Google. Which claims. When is the date of everyone's death and where is it said. www.deathcloth official website How to find out your date of death Know your date of death! How to apply your date of death? Everyone tells what they claim. So stay tuned till the end of our post

What do you see before you die?

Only then will you be able to know the date of your death, when you read this post completely, then friends, let's start the post without taking much time. And know when who will die and why will he die and for what reason will he die

Friends, today you are going to read something special, which you have never thought that any website can tell you the date of your death, that is, when you will die and for what reason.  A website telling all this has come on Google, which claims that when and where is everyone's date of death.

how to know your date of death

Know your date of death!  How to apply your date of death?

All tellers claim that. So friends, this website which will tell will tell everything right, then friends, the website which tells the date of death, whether it is right or wrong, let us know. Friends, if you also want to know your date of death  so stay tuned till the end of our post

Only then you will be able to know the date of your death, when you read this post completely, then friends, without taking much time, let's start the post. And know who will die and why and for what reason.

Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download

This is that website.  Which claims you that "When Am I Going To Die?"  Till now everyone talks about living and loving or eating and drinking.  But they never think about their death.  and prefer not to.  But through the Www.Death-Clock.Org App, you can also find out the date and cause of your death from here.

Before thinking and knowing anything else, read the below paragraph carefully because, that is what the front page of the website shows.

Have you ever asked yourself that?  when will i die  ’, our advanced life expectancy calculator will accurately predict your date of death for you* taking into account where you live, how much you smoke and your lifestyle to show you the clock countdown to your death.

To predict your date of death, simply input your date of birth, gender, smoking habits, your BMI and the country you live in.  If you don't know your BMI just use the BMI calculator form.

how to stop your death

Friends, the full form of BMI is "Body Mass Index".  Which will be getting clear to you little by little that how this Www.Death-Clock.Org website or Death Clock will be working.  Subupdate.Com App Whatsapp download & Software App Reviews

How does Www.Death-Clock.Org App Download work?

This is a simple two-three page website.  But its work is huge.  From here you can easily use Death Clock and BMI Calculator

Www.Death-Clock.Org App or website shows Death Clock based on Date Of Birth, Gender, Smoking Habits, Your BMI and the country in which you live.

As your BMI is a good indicator of a healthy lifestyle.  This has the biggest impact on your prediction.  It's never too late to adapt to stay healthy, consuming a diet that balances your body composition is the key to weight loss..

This line means that with the help of your BMI (Body Mass Index) you can find out your health.  And balances the physical part.  And helps to reduce the reason.

How To Use Www Death Clock Org App Download

The procedure to use it is given below.  You can check the website with this Death Clock through the image.


Date Of Birth* (M/D/Y)

Month Of Birth

Day Of Birth

Year Of Birth


Do You Smoke?



Alcohol Consumption


In Www Death-Clock Org App, you have to fill and submit 10 options.  After that you will get to see your Death Clock Result.

Along with this, all the death prediction information keeps getting updated in Bargraph.

Is Death Clock Accurate?

No, it cannot give accurate prediction of your death or someone else's death.  It has been made only for Entertainment Purpose.

"The official website of www.DeathClock.Org also claims that *Should Be Used For Fun Only, This Calculator Is Unlikely To Predict Your Actual Date Of Death."

Www.Death-Clock.Org App: How To Download Death Clock App?

To download this app, you have to read the steps given below.  So that Step-by-Step information has been given.

First search "www.Death-Clock.Org App Download" in Google.

After that, click on the first website that will appear.

And from there you can get the information of "My Death Date and Cause".

And if you think that you want to go to this website Www.Death-Clock.Org from our website, then click on the link you are seeing below. And you go to Www.Death-Clock.Org

 So friends, this was only for fun and entertainment, Www.Death-Clock.Org was telling this website, do not mind it, we wrote this post because it is about Www.Death-Clock.Org website on YouTube  And a lot of searching was being done on Google.

And people were taking unnecessary tension on their mind, the purpose of writing my post was that people should save their important time and do not search for useless things, but do not waste your time and never forget the things which cannot be true.  Don't even search and I will tell you in one thing.

Friends, today you are going to read something special, which till you have never thought that any website can tell you the date of your death, that is, when will you die at the time of death and for what reason will you die.  The website telling all this has come on Google. Which claims. When is the date of everyone's death and where is it said.

www.deathcloth official website

How to find out your date of death Know your date of death!  How to apply your date of death? Everyone tells what they claim.  So stay tuned till the end of our post

What do you see before you die?

Only then will you be able to know the date of your death, when you read this post completely, then friends, let's start the post without taking much time. And know when who will die and why will he die and for what reason will he die

Do not put anything on this website because it is possible that your personal details can be sold somewhere. Do you know because from your illness to your home address and name and many more things are being asked, do not put your details in it.  You can also sell your details anywhere. If you want to know something else, then you must read our second post.

So friends, you must have understood very well and I hope that you will not search that thing which cannot be true. And I tell you again that you should not put your details on this website.  It is good because nowadays online fraud is happening too much.

So friends, I hope that you would have liked this post very much, then friends, you must share this post with your friends. Because if your friends also see Www.Death-Clock.Org their death tick i.e. death clock  If he wants, then sharing this post with him may save his time.

So friends, if you have any question regarding the post of Moat Ki Titti i.e. Moat Ki Ghadi, then you can ask us by commenting in the comment box because we are always ready to answer your questions.

So that's it for today, we will see you again with a new post and heartiest thanks to all of you for staying till the end of our post. official website india.  Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  How to find out the date of your death?

Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  How to find out the date of your death? official website India

Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  :- Hello!  Friends how are you, in today's post we are going to share how to know the date of your death?  Do you also wonder what is death?, how does it happen?, when it is happening to us, what will happen after death?  Some questions come to our mind, which are very difficult to answer. official website india.  Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  How to find out the date of your death? official website india.  Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  How to find out the date of your death?

Would you like to know about a website that can or claims to tell us your date of death?

The death of any natural phenomenon cannot be predicted.  It can come anywhere and anytime. When we come into this world, the day for us to leave this world is already decided.

In this writing, today we are talking about a website rr official website, which is popular in India.  This website gets natural phenomena wrong.  They claim that they will predict your date of death within few minutes.

What is website?  (What is website) website :- This is such a website, with the help of which you can find the date of your death.  The website was created in 2006 itself.  For more information about this, definitely read the complete article.

How to check your date of death?  (How to check your death date?)

To check your date of death on this website, all you have to do is follow a few simple instructions, and you will be all set to know your date of death.

Step 1.:- First of all, you go to the official website of

Step 2.:- Enter your age or date of birth.

Step 3.:- Now enter your gender and other details about yourself.

Step 4.:- Enter details about your health.

Step 5.:- Write a detailed description of your thinking.

Step 6.:- Enter your Height, Weight and BMI.

Step 7.:- If you do not know how to check your BMI, you can try this-

Step 8.:- You will get a block on  Official website only to check your BMI, you need to enter your weight and height, and you will get your BMI.

Step 9.:- After this, you are all set to view your death dates. official website india.  Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  How to find out the date of your death? official website india.  Know the date of your mrityu (death)!  How to find out the date of your death?

What is needed to know the date of death on website

If you want to see your death date, then you have to fill name, date of birth, weight, height, address etc., after that you will be able to see your death date.

They say 100% accurate on website?  (Is Death Clock Accurate?)

Hello!  Friends, we would like to tell you here that on you do not tell the correct data about death i.e. 100% accurate.  If you want to see your death date, then you must read the whole post, after that see your death date, because know about completely, so that you do not have any kind of problem.  .  Like :- Mobile phone hack!

Is official website true or false?

Hello!  Friends, let us tell you that this website is registered since 2005.  It has been 16 years since the website is serving the people.  There are also some reviews available about the website on various platforms.  They also have active social media pages.  The website may be legit, but I simply don't believe it.

Because some reviews from www.death website said it is wrong, please don't use it.  One of the interesting comments we received is that an Indian user tried to check the death date of a famous personality but the predicted death date is wrong as the person is still alive happily.

How does the website work?  (How does the website work?)

This site is an internet website which gives its customers to know about their death date.  This website asks for your date of birth, gender, BMI and based on this allows you to understand the results within a few seconds.  And they tell (show) on which date you will die.

Also, this online website provides BMI calculator for those customers who do not understand about their BMI.

This on-line internet site is an important domain name age as well as has actually created a superb trust rating index from online analysis.  Individuals from different countries can access this website as well as know about their entire life;  past, present, as well as future.

Complete information about official website!  (Complete information about website!)

This official website is approximately fifteen years, seven months and seventeen days old.

It requires users to complete information, including date of birth, BMI, country, gender as well as submit information to receive results.

This online website supplies a quick BMI calculator in case the user does not know his/her BMI.

This online platform has built up a really excellent trust score index as well as utilizes a genuine SSL certificate.

What information does this site ask for?

The www web site requests for compliance the information of its users:

Day of birth


 Smoking details

 Alcohol intake

 Country name



 Or (or)

 • born day

 •  gender

 • Smoking details

 •  alcohol abuse

 Country name

 • BMI

 •  Hope

The online website claims that no personal questions will be asked and also no customer information will be saved for the safety and security of the users.  But we could not find any user comments on internet testimonial areas. app download How to download?  ( app download How to download?)

To start the download, you can download the website by clicking on the button below.  After downloading, you'll find the APK on your browser's "Downloads" page.  Which you can see anywhere on the internet, before installing on your phone, you need to make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device.  A confirmation window will pop up depending on your browser preferences.

To make this possible, the following steps are largely the same.  Open Menu, Settings, Security, and search for Unknown sources so that your phone can install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store.  You can go to "Downloads" in your browser and tap once on the downloaded file.

Then install and launch it on your phones.  There you have to wait for some time for the content to load.  Then tap on the button to run it, this option is available in the security settings of your android mobile phone.  In this way you can find out your date of death.

Can I update apk from Play Store?  (Can I update apk from Play Store?)

yes of course.  Play Store installs downloads from Google's servers, page loading is the same as from websites with the exception of downloading and installing (page loading) your service.


Almost everyone's life comes to an end.  And if you are curious to know about your future events and date of death, then this online website is the perfect platform, but it is just for fun.  You will not be able to trace your date of death from this website.

Also, users can type website and read about the privacy policies of this site before filling their detailed information.  Additionally, the site offers an exciting feature of BMI calculator to enable its users to calculate their BMI if they do not already know it.

Do you believe in such past and future predictions?  Have you tried this yet?  Please tell us are you from India and have you tried to predict your death date.

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About Death

 you might like these posts official website free download.  Know your death date from com. real website official website free download.  Know your death date from com. real website official website.  What is  What is the website? official website.  What is  What is the website? official website free download.  Perfect death calculator official website free download.  Perfect death calculator

Complete information of website :- How to find the date of your death? website (June) Learn the details now!  >> Please read the below blog to know about an interesting portal which is quite popular on social media because of its claim of providing death date prediction to the users.

 From the very beginning, there has been an intense curiosity in man to know the future events of his life.  Even people are interested to know his death date.

According to astrology no one can tell you the date of someone's death.  However, one application claims to give you an estimated death date by calculating your BMI.  The application is widely used around the world.

Let's know more about website -

 how to know your date of death download official website

When and how will Kali Yuga end?

 how to know when you will die

 Hello friends and welcome to our website In today's post, we are going to talk about such a website which is website name, how to know the date of your death?  claims to tell.

With the help of this website, you can know about the killer.  Today I will try to give complete information about website.  We cannot say that this website gives true results, but these websites are very popular all over the world.

Reviews of the Website

Www.death_cloth.orgis an online site that claims to predict the time of your death within minutes, is popular all over the world including India.

This website helps to predict your death date and tell about your life history within seconds.  This online website is available for many countries and does not ask for your exact location.

Complete information about website

This website,, is an online site that helps its users determine their date of death.  This website asks for your date of birth, gender, BMI, after that it will give you the information about when your death will happen.

Even though this website claims that when any person will die, but no one can tell 100% truth, even science cannot tell.  This website is only for entertainment.

How does the website work?  (How does the website work?)

 This site is an internet website which gives its customers to know about their death date.  This website asks for your date of birth, gender, BMI and based on this allows you to understand the results within a few seconds.  And they tell (show) on which date you will die.

Also, this online website provides BMI calculator for those customers who do not understand about their BMI.

This on-line internet site is an important domain name age as well as has actually created a superb trust rating index from online analysis.  Individuals from different countries can access this website as well as know about their entire life;  past, present, as well as future.

This website is approximately fifteen years, seven months and seventeen days old.

It requires users to complete information, including date of birth, BMI, country, gender as well as submit information to receive results.

This online website supplies a quick BMI calculator in case the user does not know his/her BMI.

This online platform has built up a really excellent trust score index as well as utilizes a genuine SSL certificate. What information does this site ask for?

The www web site requests for compliance the information of its users:

 Day of birth


 Smoking details

 Alcohol intake

 Country name



 Or (or)

 • born day

 •  gender

 • Smoking details

 •  alcohol abuse

 Country name

 • BMI

 •  Hope


The online website claims that no personal questions will be asked and also no customer information will be saved for the safety and security of the users.  But we could not find any user comments on internet testimonial areas. app download How to download?  ( app download How to download?)

To start the download, you can download the website by clicking on the button below.  After downloading, you'll find the APK on your browser's "Downloads" page.  Which you can see anywhere on the internet, before installing on your phone, you need to make sure that third-party apps are allowed on your device.  A confirmation window will pop up depending on your browser preferences.

To make this possible, the following steps are largely the same.  Open Menu, Settings, Security, and search for Unknown sources so that your phone can install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store.  You can go to "Downloads" in your browser and tap once on the downloaded file.  Then install and launch it on your phones.  There you have to wait for some time for the content to load.  Then tap on the button to run it, this option is available in the security settings of your android mobile phone.  In this way you can find out your date of death.

 Can I update apk from Play Store?  (Can I update apk from Play Store?)

 yes of course.  Play Store installs downloads from Google's servers, page loading is the same as from websites with the exception of downloading and installing (page loading) your service.


Before visiting website website website is made only for fun and entertainment.  www.Death-Clock.Org This website was created in 2006 only.  Don't mind this.  We have written this post because more and more searches are being done on YouTube and Google about the website.

And a lot of people are taking unnecessary tension about it on their mind, that's why I had to write this article.  We would also like to tell people that you should save your important time and do not search for unnecessary things.  Do not waste your time and never search for something which cannot be true and I would also like to tell you one thing.

Do not enter your data on website as it can hack your phone.  Your personal details can be sold anywhere.  If you still want to know your death, then you can know by clicking on the link given below.  Do you know that from illness to your home address and name and many more things are being asked, do not put your details in it, your details can be sold anywhere. If you want to know something else, then see the post till the end.

 What should happen to know your death . To find out your death, you have to give some information which is given below.

 date of birth


 Smoke description

 Gourmet intake

 Country name


 point of view

 How to check your date of death?  (How to check your death date?)

First of all go to

 Enter your age or date of birth.

 Now enter your gender and other specifications about yourself.

 Enter details about your health.

 Write a detailed description of your thinking.

 Enter your height, weight and BMI.

 If you don't know how to check your BMI, you can try this.

You will find a block at  Official website only to check your BMI, you need to enter your weight and height, and you will get your BMI.

 How do I calculate my BMI?

At the bottom you'll find a BMI calculator.

 Here you enter your weight in kg or pounds.

 Also, put your height in blocks.

 Click on the Counting button.

 Is the website real?

This website will not give you 100% real information, it will tell when you will die according to your date of birth. official website hindi app website calculator your name

Predict my death astrology

Death date website app download

Death time good or bad calculator organisation

Is the Death Clock correct?

How can we find time of death?

What is the meaning of death clock?

How many people die every second?

Is Death Clock accurate

My death date and cause

World death Clock

Perfect death calculator

When will I die

Death clock Movie

Death Timer

Universal death Clock

Before visiting website

 This website is made only for fun and entertainment.  www.Death-Clock.Org Don't mind this.  We have written this post because a lot of searches were being done on YouTube and Google about the www.Death-Clock.Orgock.Org website.

And people are taking unnecessary tension on their mind, so the purpose of writing this article was to save people's important time and do not search for useless things, but do not waste your time and things which cannot be true.  Don't ever search for him and I will tell you in one thing.

Do not put anything on this website because it is possible that your personal details can be sold somewhere. Do you know because from your illness to your home address and name and many more things are being asked, do not put your details in it.  Your details can also be sold somewhere. If you want to know something else, then you must read our second post.

So friends, you must have understood very well and I hope that you will not search that thing which cannot be true. And I tell you again that you should not put your details on this website.  It is good because nowadays online fraud is happening too much.


This was how to know the date of your death?  How did you like this post, you can tell us in the comment and I have already told you that this is just for entertainment.  You can check if you want.

Checking the prediction of the time of your death on the website will not give you any inspiration or give you positive energy.  But if you want to try it, you can follow the above guidelines.  Know here what is the opinion of the users about it.

Whether you're on the run from the police, running away from home, or just trying to start a new life, you'll have to fake your own death in order to escape.  Here are some great ideas for trying to fake your own death without raising too much suspicion.

 Method 1

 Method 1 of 2:

 disappear completely

 Decide if you really want to do this. It is illegal to fake your death everywhere.  Is your situation really such that you have to pretend to be dead?  Can you just go somewhere else?  are you being dramatic?  Can anything else be done?  You should only do this if you either feel you have to fake your death in order to start over, or you can't run away, or you have no other way out.

 Understand the consequences of faking your death.  You will not be able to keep any relation with your friends and relatives.  If you let them in on your secret, then more than likely they will tell the police or eventually betray you.  If you must tell someone, choose a discreet friend who will not, under any circumstances, tell the police, family, or anyone about you.

Stop using anything that can reach you. Know that you won't be able to access your email account, memberships, cell phone, or any personal details from your past life after you fake your death.  For what you're about to do, this is probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to do.

Since starting a new life will require money, slowly withdraw cash before your faked death, leaving credit cards and other documents behind.  Withdrawal of the entire amount may raise doubts.  By the way, if you're in a hurry, take out a lot of money at once, but leave a little behind so as not to arouse suspicion.

 Pay attention to the little things that can reveal your secret. Don't start acting weird right away.  Also, remember (unless you can change the SIM card later) to stop using your laptop, computer or mobile phone;  Because after you leave, with their help you can be traced.  Along with this, people's attention will also go to their disappearance.

Decide on a way to die. Suicide seems like the best way to go.  While it may be hard for your loved ones to tolerate, no "innocent" person will be accused of murder if it appears that you "died" by suicide.  Plus suicide cases are plain and simple: chances are that if people think you "killed" yourself, and you haven't mysteriously disappeared, then a lot of checking of CCTV and your personal records etc.  Will not investigate.

 Decide on a "method of suicide" in which either no body is found, or it is very difficult to find.  A common method is to jump off a bridge, and leave behind a note explaining what you are about to do.  Even if the "body" had actually been there, it would have been much more difficult to find, so the police would be less suspicious if it was not found.

Another option is "lost at sea": In most states with a coastline, it is possible to fake your own death by being "lost at sea".  Declare your death if you are lost at sea for at least six days without communication and there is sufficient evidence of possible death at sea (such as your belongings being returned by the waves or shipwrecks being found)  will be given.  This method can be difficult, as it would cost an entire ship;  Even then it will be less distressing for your loved ones than suicide.  Doing this will make it less likely that you will be held accountable if you do get caught in your new life.

Do it. Put the "suicide" letter somewhere before it disappears.  Get as far away from the city as you can, and start over with a new identity.  Be free

 Method 2

 Method 2 of 2:

 starting a new life

Cut off all ties with past life acquaintances. Unfortunately, most people who fake their own life make mistakes by getting paid for insurance checks or getting caught for traffic violations.  If you want to get away with doing this, then you have to completely disappear.

 Start by hiding out in a cheap hotel nearby for a few days.  Stock up on groceries and pass the time watching detective TV shows until the police stop looking for you.  You should always go out in disguise.

 Later, you have to go somewhere so that you can start a new life.

Take on a new identity. Now that the old you is dead, what do you want to be?  A gentleman gambler and poet from Bengal who wants to leave the family fishing business and work as a car mechanic in Australia?  The bartender at Jhumri Talaiya who has been attracted by the glitz and glam of Mumbai?  Decide what you want to be, and start working towards it:

Your new name  Practice introducing yourself with your new name, saying it, and signing it.  And do it in a cool way.  Sudhakar Harihar Sharma?  pleased to meet.

Your new style  How will you create your new image?  Choose clothes that are a stark contrast to your old self and people can't quite see the old you in the new you.  Dress in such a way that even your mother cannot recognize you on the street.  Grow a beard, shave your head, change your hair color, wear leather clothes, do whatever it takes to make a difference.

Your story  What would you tell people about yourself?  How would you introduce yourself?  How can you hide your old identity when you meet new people?

Create fake IDs. Once you've created your new identity and are introducing yourself as Sudhakar Harihar Sharma without hesitation, think about creating those fake documents to start your new life with.

4 Go somewhere no one knows you. You probably won't be able to fly unless you have some pretty well-crafted documents, so try either hitchhiking by road or taking a cheap ride.  Go somewhere far away from the bus.

Work in stealth. Declaring taxes will be difficult, so working in stealth and moving around frequently will keep you safe.  Work as a migrant laborer, agricultural laborer or any other contract worker to work covertly because it will be easy.  Mushrooms in Himachal or Uttarakhand, and working in vegetable farming in central India earn a lot.  Roam across the country and see India.

6 Avoid showing yourself off. Being too popular at times like these is not a good thing.  Get ready to live a simple, quiet life, socializing less and maintaining a secrecy about yourself.  When people start coming closer to you, then understand that the time has come to move away.

 places that are famous and visited by tourists;  Understand that photographs must be taken there and your photo may also appear in them.  Plus, there's a possibility that some of those vacationing guests may even know you from before.

 If you don't want anyone to see you too well, wear a hat that covers your forehead.


The most important thing for this thing to be successful is that you get a fake passport and go abroad.  You'll probably find a better job there than as an agricultural laborer.  If you don't get the forged papers before you fake your suicide, or however you want to die, then your chances of getting caught are very high.  Because most hotels, and even motels, require ID to get a room.  If your name is of some special kind, then you will remain in the memory of people.  Therefore, if possible, choose a modest name, place of birth, etc.  You may be suspicious of doing simple work abroad, but it is not necessary.  However, which country you end up living in, it's worth keeping in mind whether the people there are white, black or brown like you, what their language is, what their accent is, and so on.

 Since it will be difficult to start paying taxes as a "new" adult, moving abroad will not only get you a better job as a farm laborer, but also reduce your chances of being recognized.  However, it may be advisable to find work on a large fishing vessel or some other water vessel.  By the way, for some of these ships in which chemicals etc. are transported, some certificates etc. are required for them, so get information about this in advance.  These certificates contain ID tags and can cause problems for newbies.  Don't ever get hold of government work, because those people make their records public which can be easily seen.

It is most important not to do any research from the computer or phone you leave behind, and not from your home internet as your ISP provider can retrieve your browser history.  And don't use the office computer even by mistake.  However, it may be advisable to use libraries and other public computers located away from home.  Try to use several such places and come back every month instead of going to the same place three/four times a week.  Going to the same place over and over again can make regulars suspicious of you seeing you there again and again.  Use your fake ID card to get a library card!  If you want to call about your new life to come;  So use burner phones!  That is, prepaid SIM cards that do not require as much identification.  (Though this is not possible in India).  Buy these phones, and everything else you'll need in the future, with cash.  It cannot be said from the nature of many people that they will commit suicide, skeptics will find nothing by looking at various records.

Cash is another problem.  By withdrawing small amounts over a long period of time, you can build up a lot of cash.  But to make it successful, you have to do this work for at least a few years.  Because if you start withdrawing only a few thousand every month for many months, then people will not pay attention to you.  But if you have withdrawn huge amounts in a few months and you have to travel then you may have to give an explanation.  For example, you can do this by buying a plane ticket, but you have to make it legal.  And if you have a family then this is not possible.  That's why it is a better way to extract many small amounts.  It would be better to open a new bank account with your new name and ID at the place of your birth, as soon as possible.  This will help establish your new identity.  Deposit all the cash you have withdrawn here, so that no one suddenly finds the money hidden in your house.

 As you know, before your "death" you should have a thorough plan.  Planning about a year in advance will give you a good start in your new life.  An example of this could be:

Get identity papers (ID, passport) made.

Research carefully and carefully where you want to start your new life.  Don't search Google for "good place to start anew".

Plan your escape carefully.  Ideally, in the case of suicide, your note and your absence should be discovered several days or weeks after you leave.  By then you must have reached another country or continent with a new identity and a new plan.  In comparison to air travel, you will be able to travel across the sea more easily in the journey of a ship.  Rail travel will be fine only if the rail connectivity between the countries is good.  Conductors on a train usually only look at passports and not their registrations.

 Try that by the time you reach your new home, either you have found work there or at least there are many possibilities in front of you so that you can run your work for some time.

Remember to block all communication with all previous contacts.  No matter how new you are, they will recognize you one way or another.

If you do this as a teenager, then the difficulty will be even greater because you will be very attached to the family and you will not have money.

 Remember, you'll need a place to live, or else you'll be on the street.

 It's better to look different, but you don't need plastic surgery for that.  Just changing hair-style or hair color can help you to hide your identity.

Don't go into the world of crime.  The police will probably find out, and you'll be in more trouble.

 Getting a job can be difficult, so if possible (ie if your disappearance hasn't caused a lot of noise), legally change your name and get new documents for your CV and so on.

Make a fresh start.  This is your chance to completely reinvent yourself.

What is premature death?  Why does premature death happen?  What is the sense Mrityu.  Akal mrityu kyo hoti h. What is premature death?  Why does premature death happen?

What is premature death?  Why does premature death happen?  What is the sense Mrityu.  Akal mrityu kyo hoti h. What is premature death?  Why does premature death happen?

Hello friends, welcome today we are going to talk about why premature death happens and how it happens, we are going to discuss it today.

Why does premature death happen?

 Premature death is considered a punishment from God in which a person's body is taken away but his soul is not allowed to enter the afterlife and his soul wanders without a body until the time of actual death is reached.  Is..

 Why does sudden death happen?

 Death is not a word, but according to the Mahabharata text of Hinduism, death is the most holy auspicious goddess. In common language, the end of the life of any soul, that is, the creature, is called death.  .

 There are so many types of death.

 According to Hindu religion, mainly two types of death have been described in the religious texts, the first is natural, the second is unnatural, due to some disease, getting old age system, leaving the body by the soul is natural death.

Where does the soul go after premature death?

According to Hindu religion, it is mentioned in Guru Purana that after death the soul is taken by Yamaduts only for 24 hours and during those 24 hours the soul is shown how many sins and virtues it has done on earth after this.  The soul is then released into the house where it lived when it left the body.

The death of a human is already certain.

Yes, from the day I am born, it is written that on which day you have to die, where to die and how to die, it remains fixed.

Why does human death come early?

Shortly before the death of a person, if he sees his face in the mirror of the house, then someone else's face is visible and his body starts to smell strange, which is called death penalty.  So his end time is very near, he may die within 24 to 25 hours.

When does human death come?

According to Shiva Purana, when the body of a human person turns yellow or white, then death of such a person is certain within 6 to 8 months.  dies after 6 to 8 months.

Those who die by drowning in mountain water.  Such suicides and not every human being is fond of dying.  This is called even a single death i.e. untimely death.  According to Upanishads and Purana Ji, the time of death or residence of a man in the country is determined.  The purpose of saying is that the vagina is the field of action of human and it is subject to God in the matter of eruption.  Human can do new deeds in order to bark it.  This is the result of being.  The time of death is predetermined because human life is made up of time.  Then is there a well-planned system of premature death, if not a flower of premature death.  If I had a place, its name would be only death.  The meaning of joining famine is sudden.  There are only four reasons for death in these. Neither is it natural.  The fourth reason is famine.  According to many scriptures, death happens because the age has decayed.  The pre-human tax and languages ​​always exist in seed form.  That is why human bodies are obtained.  It is impossible for this to happen.  One should go straight from hell to heaven or go from heaven to hell.  No one has seen the future, but the happiness, convenience and success that we are getting in life, there must be some reason behind it, what is the difference of Rahu.  This mystery which cannot be understood by normal vision.  To know the secret, our sages and sages sacrificed many lives.  Can we understand so easily, no, not at all.

People whose death is painful.  It is estimated about him that his journey is starting from such a point that his premature death was considered to be about 100 years of human age in ancient times.  But till today, due to the behavior and attitude of our age, it was felt that as it happens, so is its behavior and meditation style.  The conditions of a man's next life are estimated at the time of his death.  Just as a pious soul is in a good ghost, in the same way, the death of workers also happens when free planets are present.  Heaven, beautiful summer, unhappy and satiety are indicative of happiness.  There is darkness in hell and light in heaven says Rigveda.  That was Shruti Screen and Pitru Nama Hum Deewana Muth Mat Aana.  In the infinite world, when Sumitra Vikram Mataram hears the ascension march of humans, one of the ancestors, the other of the gods, what two routes do all human beings go through?  The importance of the mind remains in this.  The intellect remains dry, the mind would have been able to experience.  After going to Pitrlok, a person has to come again to see a person.  That is, even after the period of residence in the earth world is over, they will come to the sky.  Will come from the sky in the air.  Then Agrasen gathers and comes to earth through rain points.  After coming to the earth, these local sprouts go into the human body, transform into video ganas and appear in the womb of Shri.  It is from here that the less country is built.  Upanishad says.  Rupa Rupa Kishan entered the life of man by becoming Praveshak i.e. the form of God.  Similarly, the volume alpha and the present ratwar are at the time of the jurisdiction of Apana Vayu.  Exo!

Love has been considered an indicator of death.  Due to the vastness of the subject, we will not go into details here.  Of these, 101 deaths are also premature deaths.  You just understand this much.  Lord Vedvyas says in the Vishnu Purana that death is a natural system of nature by the rituals and work of Apsaras called Mrityu Jeet.  Change is the secret of creation.  Motion is a sign of life.  Nature seeks to destroy the old in order to create the new.  If the status quo remains in the world, then there is no development, then there is no destruction, and if there is no destruction, then from where will the new creation come.  That's why it is as important as it is necessary to keep the world moving.  The Gita says that death and birth from the person itself, considering the deceased teacher Manushya Dev as the basis, 14 Bhuvan Maa has classified them on the basis of intensity or proportion of Sattva Raj and Tamoguna.  In these, Satoguna is conscious.  Rajogun meaning is conscious and Tamogun is unconscious.  Why doesn't she come sitting ahead of the man?  This is the situation where Rajogun is more in a demon demon.  Keeps contact with the earth and prison with the Panchmahabhoots.  That's why he doesn't get achievements.  Humans are two units below that, only after passing the periodical passage in the womb, their exit from the vaginal mouth.

There is no such arrangement for dengue beyond this.  The eight achievements are Anima, Mahima, Mahima, Garima, Vyapati Prakamya, Ishitva and Shukra.  Apart from these, there are nine types of happiness, in which the present past, the ability to see the future is far away, vision defects, Shruti Kavya Parakaya, Pravesh etc.  The vampire demon Yaksha Kinnar Gandharva also gets some of these teachers and holidays according to his level.  Vishal or Rajogun Bahu Srishti is the following form of torture in the half century.  Gaurav Maharaj, Kumbhi Park Kalsotra Tapan Asi Patra.  And now it was in the future, many of these also become one.  In today's new perspective, if we talk about hell and heaven, then it is backward and will not believe you.  Still we believe in them.  For others it may be imaginary.  But for us it is a Brahma sentence.  Your fruit is hell and the result of virtue is heaven.  Vedvyas ji has asked for this.  Philanthropy is full of oil, but according to Peedanam Garuna Purana and Markandeya Purana, the description of hell is presented.  Mahavir ji hell is the blood of blood.  You also get a park only by killing a cow.  It is hot that those who grab someone's land and kill a Brahmin go to some hell alone.  Pride is in the form of a pit.  Those who give false testimony are cast in this hellish iron company.  Indirect hell is the one whose urine of poison is filled with devotion.  Keep Dilip yours that it works with you.  Brahmin Kshatriya Vaishya who are intoxicated burn in it.  Mahaprabhu is same in hell.  This punishment is given to those who step between husband and wife or in other bhajans and there is a moving heavy rock of iron in peace hell, in which those who walk in other women are pressed.  Salmari hell has strong thorns with sharp anoop.  In this on perfection ministry of.  is put.

The great woman lives until Hell was a fiercer fire than pride.  Those who set fire to other's houses etc. are put in this.  There is darkness in this hell of lust.  Those who steal get this hell.  The epic gives pitch darkness in Hell.  Only treacherous people who kill parents and friends get it and in hell there are trees with sharp leaves like the edge of a sword.  Friends eat and get stuck in it.  Karampal is like a giant.  Those who talk are put in this, that the whole hell is filled with unholy things, the excrement of sons and daughters of devotion.  Maha also remains in hell full of rotting flesh and blood.  Mahavats are also part of hell who sell their daughter.  3pak eats sesame seeds on a pan in hell like a pot of boiling oil in a collapsing oil park that torments others.  The one who kills friends and refugees is cooked in it.  Those who beat by mixing milk or other food items in the cupboard are tortured.  Believe there is no wind in hell which hinders the charity being given to someone.  It is inserted into it.  The embers remain on the embers while keeping them in tea, who don't do it by promising to donate.  are dropped in this.  The great sinners go to the hell, the people who speak falsehood.  It is the swindlers of this hell who implicate you.  There are big sharp saws in hell with which the living beings are cut.  Those who do four come in from 3:00.

In reforming all around and down below, they remain engaged only on that.  Those who grab the land of a poor or Brahmin are dropped in it.  Those who cut trees go to hell.  Those who cut trees and adulterate food, the consequences go to hell.  Pure is written in the mouth like a thunderbolt in hell.  Those who give shelter to the nations and do spiritual practice, the books full of foul smell and dog substances are thrown into hell and the customers full of mental high filth are dropped.  Those who take unfair advantage of someone's arrangement, those who give illegitimate love to the need arising in a short time, go to yudh hell.

Vajra Mahavir, who snatches the wealth of others, goes to hell.  The purpose is this.  Till now speech and tadbhava words, thoughts, theft, sadism and exploitation have bad consequences.  After death, different types of tortures are given.  Apart from this, many types of suffering have to be suffered in this life also.  According to our belief, only the sins of the previous birth come in the form of disease in this life.  Puranas say that those who do charity are happy.  He has come to the human form after leaving heaven.  Our nature is bound by principle.  Seeing the people who are suffering physically, we can imagine that hell is also a symbol of our own.  There are two forms of this world.  

One is the form of the five elements from the school.  The second is happiness in which these elements end.  If seen from a perspective, the situation of heaven and hell is the same.  Because there is someone in both.  It is a different matter that we consider one as sorrow.  Although it is not easy to be free from worldly and planets, happiness to others.  However, if you try to know this secret then you can know.  Our ancient texts have written a lot in this regard.  The only requirement is to understand it.  If we try to understand this, then the whole secret will be revealed by itself.  I hope you enjoy this video.  , Can eyes predict death? - Scientists in Australia claim to have possible evidence

 Can eyes predict death? - Scientists in Australia claim to have possible evidence Can eyes predict death? Scientists in Australia claim to have possible proof

 Have you ever spent hours racking your brains predicting someone's death?  Well, the answer is very simple.  Scan your eyes, and everything will be revealed. Can eyes predict death? - Scientists in Australia claim to have possible evidence

 Can eyes predict death? - Scientists in Australia claim to have possible evidence । Scientists in Australia claim to have possible evidence

Researchers in Australia have designed a new artificial intelligence (AI) program that can help predict a person's years of life just by looking at their retina—the tissue at the back of the eye.

 The findings, in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, are based on a study of the retina - which scientists claim acts as a "window" in allowing doctors to take a deeper look at someone's health. login. online.  When and how will you die  Know how old you will be when you die.  www death_cloth.  Www death date your name. official website india.  Www death clock org.  Why do humans die?  Www death watch org app download.  When will we die  google when will you die download.  How is death known?  ,  When and how will you die?  ,  How does a person die?  ,  Is death already certain?  ,  No one dies premature death, Yamraj gives these 4 signs to every human being 24 hours before taking his life.  google when will you die

Researchers from Melbourne's Center for Eye Research claim that an AI algorithm can accurately predict the age of the retina after analyzing nearly 19,000 fundus scans.

"The retina provides a unique, accessible window to evaluate the underlying pathological processes of systemic vascular and neurological diseases that are associated with increased risks of mortality," wrote study author Dr Mingguang He, University of Melbourne and Center for the Eye  Eye Research in Australia for a Professor of Epidemiology.

The study analyzed more than 130,000 retinal images from samples provided by people taking part in UK Biobank, a long-term government study of more than 500,000 UK participants between the ages of 40 and 69.

 The study found that there was a 2 percent increase in the risk of death from any cause for each year of difference between a person's actual age and the older biological age identified in the eye.

"The significant association between retinal age differences and non-cardiovascular/non-cancer mortality, together with growing evidence of links between the eye and the brain, may support the notion that the retina is the 'window' of neurological diseases,"  Write the author. login. online.  When and how will you die website india.  www death_cloth.  Know how old you will be when you die. hindi । check । website real । login । Death Countdown app । Www death_cloth org review । your name । 

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 Thank you….

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तो friends मोत की तित्ति यानी मोत की घड़ी के पोस्ट के बारे में आपके मन मे कोई भी सवाल है तो आप हमें comment box में comment करके पूछ सकते है क्योंकि आपके सवालो का जाबाब देने के लिए हम हमेशा तैयार है।

तो आज के लिए इतना ही हम चलते है फिर मिलेंगे नई पोस्ट के साथ ओर हमारे पोस्ट के अंत तक बने रहने के लिए आप सभी लोगो का दिल से 


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